Today I went to the cenotaph and watch the Remembrance Day ceremony. It was sad that not everyone sang our national anthem. Maybe it was because they forgot but mostly I think they may have been because they may have been embarrassed. Most people showed the proper respect. All the military personnel saluted and most people removed their hat when necessary. At then end when I was comfortable I to placed my poppy on a wreath.
We later went to the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial too. Yesterday was the opening but then it was packed. So later today my roommate and I went to pay our respects. It too had more of a turn out then expected. It should not have been surprising since that is the conflict that has most affected our generation. They had wreaths where people placed their poppy’s and some of the families had brought photos of the fallen. Their even was a teddy bear. My sympathy’s are with those families and friends of the fallen today must be a hard day for them.